Hunting for pest control is vital for not just our nation’s primary producers, but also for Australia’s biodiversity. Ensuring that our farmers can properly control invasive and feral species, or that those who hunt for food can do so in the most humane way possible, are both essential.
Effective spotlights for hunting can help make sure that you can achieve a quick, clean and ethical shot. Which spotlights are the best type for hunting? For the most affordable and versatile option available for hunting, choose halogen Striker or Blitz spotlights from Lightforce. See why:
Hunting spotlights must be easy to use
Hunting spotlights must be versatile
Hunting spotlights must not startle the animal
Hunting spotlights must be easy to use
When you’re out on your property, navigating paddocks or bushland, it’s important that your handheld spotlights are lightweight and rugged. Because you’ll need to reorientate yourself and react at a moment’s notice to the presence of an animal, a hefty metal spotlight can make you less responsive. A cumbersome handheld can also contribute to muscle fatigue.
This is what makes polycarbonate the ideal material for handheld hunting spotlights. Not only does it rival the impact resistance of metal, it’s significantly lighter and easier to handle – while also being weather resistant.
Striker and Blitz handhelds are made in Australia for Aussie conditions. Based on designs that Lightforce has honed over the past 30 years, Striker and Blitz are unmatched in their durability and user comfort. Both IP68 and IP69K certified, they’re dustproof and even waterproof up to 1 m.
Hunting spotlights must be versatile
Versatile equipment is the best equipment when you’re out hunting at night – especially when it comes to your lighting. You don’t want to be carrying several pieces of gear when one can do the job. Being able to use your hunting light handheld or remote mounted (and swap from a cig plug to an alligator plug in seconds) is valuable in any hunting situation.
Choose a hunting system that’s plug-and-play, where you can instantly connect your handheld spotlight to a mounting rig on your vehicle. Whether you prefer a window frame, suction or magnetic mount, this will allow you use your handheld for in-vehicle sighting and then remove it to help take the shot within moments.
Striker and Blitz handhelds include new weatherproof AMP plugs, which are compatible with the range of vehicle mounting options available from Lightforce. This gives you the flexibility to use your handheld in any number of different hunting circumstances, with no additional wiring.
Hunting spotlights must not startle the animal
Sometimes the latest really is the greatest, and sometimes the old ways are the best ways. When it comes to affordable hunting spotlights, reliable halogen should still be your go-to lighting technology.
Light produced via halogen bulbs is warmer and softer than that of LEDs and HIDs. Because halogens provide superior colour rendering and contrast, you’re able to see details, shadows and movement more clearly. They also produce more visible eye shine, which is a crucial indicator when hunting.
Additionally, halogens are less likely to startle your target, especially when paired with appropriate colour filters. Most animals that are hunted in Australia have di-chromatic vision, which means that they see only two colours. Halogens produce light that passes more freely through colour filters than LEDs or HIDs, and by using a filter on your handheld, the target is much less likely to react to your presence.
Most animals are also light-sensitive at night. Sometimes you need a bright light to scout, but as you get closer to your target, your light source should dim to avoid disturbing them. Striker and Blitz spotlights are compatible with the Lightforce Halogen Dimmer, which lets you adjust your brightness as necessary to respond to your target animal’s tolerance.
The tried and tested Striker and Blitz handheld halogen searchlights are the ideal companion for Aussie hunters.